Fun Run Registration
You may choose to register online by completing the registration/release form. You can register for up to four family members at one time. Additional family members will require a separate registration entry. You will then be directed to a page to pay and choose your T-shirt, and even buy more shirts if you want from the UCFRD Island Store. You may also choose to print the registration/release form and mail/deliver your form and check.
Online Registration and Payment
Paper Registration with Check Pay
For those that prefer not to make online payments or complete and submit electronic registration applications, complete the steps below to complete your Fun Run Registration.
1. Click the following link to print and complete the 2024 Run Run Registration and Release form.
2. Write a check made out to Upper Captiva Fire & Rescue in the proper amount ($50 for Adults, kids 12 or under $25).
3. Return the completed form and check to the Fire Station or mail to UCFRD, Box 322, Pineland, FL 33945.
Once we receive your registration and payment, we will be in contact with you with further details as the event date approaches.